Archive for the ‘Data Handling’ Category
Saturday, September 20th, 2014 Posted in Data Handling, Easier Programming, LabVIEW
History requires a chart, right? Wrong. In Part I, recall from the requirements that we want : — A chart, showing the history of 1-4 channels. The history can be the last 30 seconds, or the last 30 hours, or various lengths in

Saturday, March 5th, 2011 Posted in Beginners, Data Handling, LabVIEW
Finding the best answer is not always straightforward. Scientists are not programmers. Repeat that after me: scientists are not programmers. It’s not their fault; it’s just a lack of proper training. If you are implementing some algorithm given you by a scientist, it’s important to

Friday, February 25th, 2011 Posted in Beginners, Data Handling, LabVIEW, Timing
Simpler ≠ faster : you still have to know what happens “under the hood”. If you read the post about en masse operations, you might remember that I pointed out that you should know what is happening behind the scenes. Here is a particular case

Wednesday, August 19th, 2009 Posted in Beginners, Data Handling, Easier Programming, LabVIEW
The things that I used to do… En masse is a French term meaning “as a whole” or “all together”; treating a group of something as a single unit. LabVIEW has the ability to treat arrays this way, which can greatly reduce your workload.

Sunday, July 5th, 2009 Posted in Data Handling, LabVIEW, Timing
Can’t you signals just work together? Usually, in a data acquisition program, all the signals you measure are “live”, meaning they represent the current conditions at the time they are sampled. However, in some cases you might have some signals which are not live, but

Saturday, April 11th, 2009 Posted in Data Handling, Files, LabVIEW
Combine BINARY and DATALOG files for the best of both worlds. In LabVIEW, there are three kinds of files: TEXT files. Ordinary text, stored in human-readable form, with spaces and line feeds, etc. BINARY files. Raw information stored as machine-readable information. A 32-bit integer is