Archive for the ‘Timing’ Category
Friday, February 25th, 2011 Posted in Beginners, Data Handling, LabVIEW, Timing
Simpler ≠ faster : you still have to know what happens “under the hood”. If you read the post about en masse operations, you might remember that I pointed out that you should know what is happening behind the scenes. Here is a particular case

Friday, September 11th, 2009 Posted in Beginners, LabVIEW, Timing
Zip-zap-zowee and swoosh! Just in case you thought I was kidding in the article on en masse operations, I decided to offer some proof of the speed advantages they can give you. I used the Timing Template vi to measure the time it takes to

Wednesday, August 19th, 2009 Posted in LabVIEW, Timing, Tips & Tricks, User Interface
Sometimes all that digital stuff is just too bland. A bug undocumented feature of the original analog clock was that the markers on the scale were at intervals of 1.25 seconds, a consequence of LabVIEW preferring to use 4 intervals per major tick, when we silly

Sunday, July 5th, 2009 Posted in Data Handling, LabVIEW, Timing
Can’t you signals just work together? Usually, in a data acquisition program, all the signals you measure are “live”, meaning they represent the current conditions at the time they are sampled. However, in some cases you might have some signals which are not live, but

Thursday, May 7th, 2009 Posted in LabVIEW, Timing, User Interface
Sometimes all that digital stuff is just too bland. If you want to display a time-of-day clock in LabVIEW, it takes three seconds to plop down a TIMESTAMP indicator, and 10 more seconds to enter ADVANCED EDITING mode, and skip the month, day and year,

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009 Posted in Timing
When you’re trying to make things in your program work faster, it’s important to remember a simple rule. On any given computer… You cannot make the computer go faster. You can make it do less work. Of course, to take advantage of that rule, you